
Saturday 13th August 2022
By  Patrik Pospichal

Hi All,

Weekly fishing report from customers either hittng the Rocks, Ramp, Beach and Boat

Botany Boat ramp produced king fish this morning with some fishers got them on spinning gear whilst others caught them on live bait (Yakkas). The ramp does get tedious when anglers are chasing Jewies at night, but it does produce good fish

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Category: General Updates
Sunday 10th July 2022
By  Stan Konstantaras

 A new modue has been added to the ever growing South Sydney website, with the Gallery module added. Being a great day outside I have been Snapper Dreaming. 

Take a look and send me your classic snapper shots to add to the Hall of Fame.

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Category: General Updates
Sunday 26th June 2022
By  Stan Konstantaras

It looks like Matty Poulton is getting in some practice for the upcoming SSAFA snapper day. Yesterday he made the hike north to tangle with a bunch of good snapper on plastics and speared a bunch of bonus kingfish. 

Lucky I was on hand at the Club today to handle quality control and food safety testing. Samples were requested and

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Category: General Updates
Saturday 25th June 2022
By  Stan Konstantaras


Dear SSAFA members,

Many thanks for embracing the new way of engaging with the membership. To date it has been relatively hassle free and once you are in the system the rest is relatively simple. We are now working on blog posts like this, but more fishing related with current tips and where they are biting and we are

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Category: General Updates